By heart broken - 29/12/2013 09:05 - United States

Today, my husband told me yet again that the last two years have been the worst of his life. Our two year anniversary is next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 631
You deserved it 4 769

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yet again? You guys need to talk this out, or get help with a marriage counselor. Both of you sound unhappy in your relationship.


reymon8823 24

Maybe its time to not be such a Bitch OP.. Just saying.. Been married and was in a bad marriage

It seems your marriage is in trouble. Have you tried turning it off then turning it back on?

Maybe it's a set up for a surprise, like you said your anniversary is right around the corner .

Maybe you should ask him why he feels this way. Let him know you'd like to work on it with him. If he's not willing to communicate with you about why he's unhappy, he's not worth staying with. Think about ten years down the road and if you have kids. It's something you should think about before you have kids with him. He wanted to marry you, so he should be willing to fix it.

You're not innocent at all, so don't even try to act like it.

My one says the same thing everytime we argue