By cargaljen - 21/10/2012 00:22 - United States

Today, my husband sweetly asked me, "You know what I'd really like to do if I had an extra $4,000?" Expecting a romantic answer, I asked what. He said, "I'd get you a tummy tuck." He still can't figure out what he said wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 929
You deserved it 4 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him you'd like to spend it on male hookers and chocolate.

cooterpie 11

At least he's willing to spend 4 grand on YOU. Maybe he also thinks its something you'd like.


lvaldezr 4

Wow that's something you never ever suggest to a woman. It's like asking how much they weigh.

No he wants to pay for OP to get a tummy tuck.

Actually I misread the FML. My bad. Carry on with the thumbs down.

Flora_fml 6

What's creepy is that he's already researched the price.

Why are you complaining about that? You'll go from fat to not fat.

Ah men. Generally pretty clueless on how touchy women are when it comes to weight. When I became pregnant with my first child, my husband called me a little chubby. He didn't mean to be insulting. He was taking the health of his wife and future child into consideration. So I understand why you felt insulted but your husband didn't mean to be insulting.

And Honey, if I had 4000 dollars, I'd find some way to stop that receding hairline.

Wow lol and u didn't see the signs ? Lol

You're probably always going on about how flabby your tummy is. While I know what it's like to have one- giving birth recently anyone??- it's still just a guy thing. It was sweet of him!!

You're husband is sweet. You should reward him by not being fat.

iHeartRKO 5

Yes, I forgot how sweet that is.