By ima_krackerr - 30/05/2009 04:36 - United States

Today, my grandparents were staying over my house for a couple of nights. As I was walking to my bathroom in the middle of the night, I noticed their door was open, and my grandfather was awake. I tried to say 'Hi' to him, but he didn't hear me. I then noticed that he was masturbating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 831
You deserved it 5 622

ima_krackerr tells us more.

ima_krackerr 0

heyy, this is my post. 1. I didn't notice what he was doing at first, so my first reaction was to say hi.. pretty much 2. I can't look him in the face anymore 3. I'm a girl :(

Top comments

#2 - Hahahaha. I like to pretend sex and masturbation was invented during my generation. Before, two smart adults get married so they can kiss, and then go to the BABIES "R" US store. Sadly, having been to the BABIES "R" US store, I've realized, they do in fact, NOT sell babies. Leaving to the conclusion, parents, and their parents before them, had sex and masturbated.


ima_krackerr 0

heyy, this is my post. 1. I didn't notice what he was doing at first, so my first reaction was to say hi.. pretty much 2. I can't look him in the face anymore 3. I'm a girl :(

CONNIE1390 0

he was just sitting in his room in the middle of the night whacking off with the door open??? was the grandma sleeping still? ew thats creepy...

missus_butter 0

Just be glad he didn't hear you. You now have plausible deniability! Now get to work on pretending this never happened!!!

FmlFtwAndISFU 0

ahhh!! Dayum man XD. im sorry....

Wanking with the door open...never a good move. Have some courtesy, people! What you get up to in private is your business...and the rest of us want no part of it!

lol, don't disturb a man when it's his time.

42 - didn't really need to put that.

LOL that's soooo screwed up on so many levels! I'd die if I saw my grandpa doing that O_o