By slayerdeath - 20/05/2012 05:19 - United States - Valparaiso

Today, my girlfriend went in for a kiss too fast and broke my front tooth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 615
You deserved it 2 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well sir, that is indeed unfortunate. I hope her dad is a dentist.


Next time YOU go in for oral sex too fast and break HER front tooth.

Your girlfriend must have been very horny! ( my wife said that)

yeah he does click to see his profile . then read his bio .

46: Welcome to FML! Before commenting this, you should've checked yourself.

Totally imagined her diving in like a shark on some helpless mammal.

I imagine the scene from 40 year old virgin when she's sucking on his toe and kicks her in the face. Lips and teeth mashing could be a little gory.

ive had a girl accidentally miss my lips and kiss my teeth once but i think youve got me beat there. FYL

emstar828 4

This totally sounds like something I would do. That sucks OP. =/

How the hell did that even happen .?! Was her face made out of metal.?! o_O