By Jaraxxus - 26/07/2016 09:45 - United States - Vass

Today, my girlfriend accused me of cheating because I've been buying generic groceries instead of name brand to save money. Apparently, I must be using the extra money on another woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 026
You deserved it 1 182

Jaraxxus_fml tells us more.

OP here! No, we talked about it before this, so she knew why. I'm not sure why she thinks this.


Or you could be saving money to do something special for her.

Have you ever made a stink before about only buying name-brand items? I can see a weird reaction if this is totally out of character for you. Not saying that accusing you of cheating is appropriate, but some people have rampant imaginations; especially when they're paranoid or insecure types to start with.

OP here! No, we talked about it before this, so she knew why. I'm not sure why she thinks this.

1known_fml 8

Maybe she's the one cheating... Easier to blame you than herself.

I do, actually! Surprised anyone noticed.

Its kinda weird cause the same thing is happening to my aunt and uncle, where she thinks he's cheating, or at least spending his money elsewhere that she doesn't know about, because he only ever buys generic shit "to save money". But it actually does look a little suspicious for him since he makes ~$120,000 a year. He doesn't need to save money, he has plenty of it, where is all that other money going?!

Your aunt and uncle are married to each other? o.O

Indianboy9321 25

#48 & OP: Perhaps your uncle is investing all that money (or lost it all to Bernie Madoff). Why not politely, respectfully, in person mention that you've noticed him buying generic goods/ ask why. Perhaps he's developed a mental health issue (paranoia?) convincing him that he's about to become poor/ bankrupt. However, some generic/ store-brands non-food items never work as well as their brand-names e.g., Band-Aids. Having grown up during the Depression, my dad w/ his well-paying job still always looked for bargains incl. at-home car maint. during his entire life.

Ali_Br_fml 33

They became the aunt and uncle after they got together/married, probably before 48 was even born. One is the aunt/uncle by blood, the other by marriage. (That's my assumption by the way.)

She's just worries you'll spend all your money on a demon hunter, OP

my aunt and uncle actually happened to be brother and sister. they were given up for adoption and reunited like 15 years later and fell in love and got married, then they found out they were related at a family reunion. they both got sterilized and they're still together.

Not saying this is the case but many times when someone is cheating they begin to see random actions with no meaning as signs of cheating, it's part of their guilt wanting the other person to at the very least be as guilty as they are.

No one ever became/stayed wealthy by blowing their money on things that aren't necessary in the first place. That said, Dr. Thunder is not an acceptable replacement for Mountain Dew.

Having a lot of money doesn't mean you have to be wasteful. Allen Iverson made millions in the NBA. I saw something on TV the other day saying that he didn't like to carry luggage when he traveled, so he would just go wherever he needed to go and buy new clothes when he got there. When it was time to leave, he would leave all the stuff that he bought in the hotel room, or wherever he stayed. He's broke now from what I hear (Although I think broke for him, and broke for me are on totally different levels). At the same time, Bill Gates has more money than almost everyone, but every picture I have ever seen him in he just looks like a regular guy. Nothing flashy or impressive. Basically Bill Gates is rich, and also looks"generic".

she's not wrong, keep acting like that I'd be spending money on another woman real quick and kick her ass to the curb.

FalloutScrolls 25

That's the kinda crazy that'll lead to her telling you that you don't need to go grocery shopping. There will be a bunny in the pot...

These types of wild, baseless accusations are emotional abuse, and it will get worse. Before you know it you'll be walking on eggshells, wondering when she'll next explode on you. Not to mention that often, when someone is paranoid about their partner cheating, it's because they themselves are cheating. Get out of that relationship while you still can.

Honestly, just be patient with her. It's a common response for people who have been cheated on a lot in the past. As long as she's working on it, and not being vicious towards you. It doesn't mean that she doesn't trust you; she may just want some confirmation that you're still loyal. Of course, everyone and every relationship is different.

Honestly, no. I understand it may be difficult if you've been cheated on in the past, but those were other partners, and to take it out on your current partner when they've done nothing wrong is just cruel and a sign of abuse. This actually isn't really a common response of people who have been cheated on in the past, it is, however, a common response of someone who is cheating, or just incredibly insecure. Which is still no excuse to take your own problems on other people, especially your partner, someone you're supposed to trust and care for. She clearly isn't working on it as she is not coming around, she still thinks he's cheating even after an explanation, and she is being vicious by making such ludicrous accusations with no backing. It also absolutely means she doesn't trust the OP, when you make baseless accusations, you're not doing it because you trust the person, you're making them cause there is no trust there, and you think that they're being sneaky and lying. This girl needs help, probably a therapist or psychologist to discuss her trust issues, the OP can stick it through and help, but I honestly think it's better to just leave. This girl needs to work on herself before she even considers being with someone else.

Axel5238 29

I've been in this spot. The accusations only got worse, she claimed because my job was far from home and had to stay late closing ( working in a deli) that I obviously I was cheating and took every scratch or bruise that I got from work as a sign I was with someone else. This was while I was supporting her and her 16 yr old. OP get out while you can It's not going to get better when someone starts up like this.

Honestly, yes, it can be. As I've stated before, everyone is different. Obviously, if OP had clarified that she was being "vicious," it'd be a whole different situation. Everyone's quick to jump in on one side of the situation, stating that she's "crazy" and "guilty," but you all seem to forget the other sides to these sorts of situations. If she was being vicious, and unforgiving, then, yes, it would be abuse. But we don't know these folks, or their history. Not every situation has a simple explanation. You all can dislike this comment as much as you'd like, and I'm not saying she's definitely in the right, but it may be useful for everyone to consider other options for her behavior instead of jumping on the bandwagon.