By facebook - 24/06/2010 10:09 - Australia

Today, my girlfriend "accidentally" set her relationship status to "single", and 20 of my friends "liked" it, including my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 000
You deserved it 4 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ArtIsResistance7 1

That wasn't an accident bro, maybe you should take the hint!

I think they know something you don't, OP. Also, what is with so many relationship issues being to do with facebook status? Why do people care so much and why can't people talk to their partners about it maturely?


not hardly a FMl, grow a pair and deal with it, or just **** her best friend!

oscaroscar 0

my comments got deleted :( even the one that didn't say first.

not hardly a FMl, grow a pair and deal with it, or just **** her best friend!

your mom liking it is a very nice thing. the rest of the likes are just a show of support to her for the unexpected break up. by the way, it's virtually impossible to accidently set your status to single. if you believe that then FYL indeed

oscaroscar 0

omg! thay's hilarious but totally harsh

youthink_fml 0

You can accidently change the status to single, but you can't accidently change it to single and accidently save it. It was no accident.

cbr600_fml 0

haha that means all ur friends want to bang her