By Anonymous - 04/12/2015 20:36 - United States - Silver Spring

Today, my friend took me tandem skydiving. When it was time to jump, he began crying, said he'd cut our parachute cords, then said "Goodbye, cruel world!" and pushed me off the plane with him strapped to my back. I pissed myself and cried like a bitch. He thinks his "prank" was hilarious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 093
You deserved it 2 930

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can't believe you FELL for that one! *Ba dum tssss*

Oh chute, he probably sent you're heartbeat sky high, and your stomach in a dive!


Lmfao oh my gewd. I just pictured myself. And wow. I think after a good 10min. I would've laughed really hard.

So this is pretty much like most of the pranks on YouTube...ish. "IT'S JUST A PRANK, BRO!"

darthhera 11

Once you got to the ground safely, I would have beaten the ever loving shit out of him. What a piece of shit "friend".

tkeeton46 17

I hope some of that piss ended up on him. That's pretty ****** up!!

I hope you pissdd on him. That is pretty ****** up!

Suicide is not s joke. He isn't hilarious.

I am a skydiver, and i can tell you that first tandem is easier than second. 90% people never do second or back out. Because now you know what you got yoursef into! ;D Blue Skies!