By DumbFace714 - 14/02/2015 01:43 - United States - Santa Ana

Today, my friend told me she wanted to get pregnant. I thought that was good news, but then she said she wanted my boyfriend to be the father of her baby. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 862
You deserved it 2 815

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Many people would find this statement concerning. Might want to reconsider this friendship. And keep her far away from your boyfriend.


UhHuhHoney 20

If anyone ever told me that I'd put them in their place, no questions asked. To the point where I'd be locked up and wasn't able to post a FML about it

You probably think this sounds very badass, but it's really just kind of a weird antisocial overreaction.

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

Cut her off from your life and if he actually is the father Then they can be cut off together.

He can't be the father if she isn't even pregnant /yet/.

Sorry I read that wrong. Just cut her off from your life OP you don't need her.

Maybe she's saying this now because she is already sleeping with the boyfriend. Maybe she's already pregnant ... Either way ... Not a nice friend !!

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

she could be pregnant already w his baby...

Sounds like her dream is to one day be on Maury.

addisonrose12 16

Or jerry springer... If he wasn't busy hosting baggage lol

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

She at least offered you a handsome sum for your boyfriend's Syd stud services, yes?

Was your bf the father... or has she gotten brain damage from her bad choices in life

TallMist 32

Um... Read the FML. She's not pregnant yet at the time of this FML.

duhdarling 11