By BDayssuck - 02/09/2009 14:47 - United States

Today, my fiancé, his mother, my father and I went out to celebrate my birthday and our recent engagement. After dinner, my father and future mother-in-law revealed to us that they had secretly been dating and were talking about also getting married. Anybody want cake? FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 628
You deserved it 3 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So does that mean she will be your step-mother-in-law?

Conkers 0

That's a story to tell the kids. :D


Sk69Dk 0
Aoife 0

Move to one of those southern states that allows sibling marriage. Problem solved!

Sorry, I wasn't listening. I just heard the last bit. Gimme some cake.

ieventripinstyl 0
esdawg 0

Have fun when you and your kids have to explain to people why your family trees converge in more than one spot. Also think of the kinky sex you can have with your new step brother. That's hot!

Sure you are not thinking of the movie Because I Said So?

Beat them to the marriage so they r related before you guys are siblings. Wait this sounds like Gossip Girl alot..

lmfao at #36, ahahahahahaha that made my day ^^

wow i just realized, that happened in the fresh prince of bel air.