By TooMuchAnxiety - 10/03/2015 08:03 - United States - Kailua

Today, my ex-boyfriend asked me to homecoming, in front of the whole school, knowing I have social anxiety. I was forced to say yes to not seem like an asshole. Now I can't back out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 100
You deserved it 7 529

TooMuchAnxiety tells us more.

TooMuchAnxiety 6

For everyone asking why we broke up, its because he was very manipulative and downright abusive behind closed doors. I can't back out because i'm afraid of what might happen if I do.

Top comments

Don't buy a dress, if he asks to see it, stall. On the day of homecoming, you're suddenly too sick to leave your bed! Problem solved

WavRace 14

Or she can just tell him to **** off for putting her in such a predicament.


Even though he knows you have social anxiety, he actually could have just done this as a kind gesture or an effort to win you back. People are stupid sometimes. Meet up with him in private, explain how it wasn't okay for him to do what he did, thank him for asking you but decline. Explain why you said yes in the first place. Don't do what other people are suggesting and just pretend you are going until the last minute. That's even more cruel than what he did to you. Say no now, again politely and in private, and let him move on and find another date.

demonddm 24

your idea is giving him the benefit of the doubt that he is just a idiot. while i hope you are right, that is not my experience. really what she needs to do is remember why he is an ex. if they left on good terms then she should do it your way. if they ended on bad terms then he needs an ass kicking.

You make a good point there. If he's an ass then just find him and tell him no, but blowing up in his face might just lead to further drama.

pheanixgod 8

Everyone here is ignorant, I wouldn't feel like an ass to turn some chick down I'd feel like she's an ex for a reason


Don't go. He doesn't respect you, so why consider his feelings?

Social anxiety is god awful isnt it? Im sorry he took advantage of you like that! I would definitely tell him off in private!

say NO..its simple ...either to his face or to his ass...

I'm sorry he pressured you into going. The day of text him and say you don't want to go.

People who pressure others into shit like that are freaking assholes, that must have been horrible.