By amanda - 23/07/2013 05:17 - United States - Lafayette

Today, my doctor told me that I suffer from orgasm migraines. Basically, I get an intense migraine that lasts for hours after I have an orgasm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 947
You deserved it 4 584

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unfortunately, you can't be pleasured without extra pain.. You have my condolences

"Not tonight dear, I'm going to have a headache."


I used to get those as well! It turns out I was just tightening my muscles too much when I came. Drink lots of water too!!!

I don't get migraines, but I get bad headaches too afterwards :( It sucks.

Just be glad you can have an ******! Us women who can't would rather pop a migraine pill and have an ****** than not! But that still sucks.

honestly, weed helps with migraines and headaches, hope that helps you.

Oooh, that's happened to me before. I feel you. :|

gatorgirl2669 6

i know they have meds for migraines cause i take it every single day of my life... but do they have meds to control those type of migraines? thats harsh

Some women don't have holes big enough for a penis to penetrate. Stop whining. At least you can take a dick. They can't.

This is actually called coital cephalgia. It is more common in men than it is in women, and it's good that you saw a doctor about it, because the condition can be an indication of more severe issues like tumors, especially when presented in females. To those that are on the comment trail suggesting migraine medication and the like, it doesn't really work like that. One of the most commonly suggested treatments is to take an NSAID an hour before sex, and to keep hydrated. However, it doesn't guarantee that the headache will not occur. Rather, it can help ease the intensity. The condition comes in two forms... One, a slow building of pain as arousal increases. The second is a reactionary headache that surfaces moments after ******. I suffer the sudden onset one after ******. It usually happens when sex is super intense and arousal is epic, but can happen at any time and without warning. The pain is sharp and sudden. My late boyfriend, he mistook my screams of agony to be screams of pleasure.. That makes it worse, because they keep going thinking you're in bliss but you're really suffering blinding pain that is all-encompassing. The resulting headache can last for hours up to several days. There is no "healing" and it can happen again at any time. It really sucks. The fact that the blinding pain is localized in the head is pretty overwhelming. All that being said, OP, you should know that you're not alone in dealing with it. Personally, marijuana has helped me have not only more intense sensitivity and enjoyment during sex, but has also helped pretty well eliminate the occurrence of these headaches. I highly (no pun intended) recommend trying it... As even if you can't have an ****** due to the issue, the foreplay is far more pleasurable and satisfying.