By philosophicallll - 28/09/2015 20:25 - South Africa - Cape Town

Today, my dad introduced me as his pet orangutan. I'm a redhead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 602
You deserved it 2 690

philosophicallll tells us more.

I know he was kidding. My dad has an amazing sense of humor and I love him very much, but unfortunately for him, the person he was introducing me to doesn't have a sense of humor at all. She now glares at my dad and yells at him whenever he makes any jokes about me. So karma did happen, no revenge needed.

Top comments

If he is saying he fathered an ape, what does that make him?

act the part than. throw some feces and what not


BooBooKittyF11 21

my dad calls me his red headed stepchild

Embarrass him and act like it at dinner or lunch, bad manners, burping, jump on the table if you need to, just teach him a lesson ???.

You oughta throw some poo at him like a good simian.

You could say that she should... Go apeshit. (monkey see, monkey do, monkey throw, it is poo. used to hear it aaaall the time...)