By ohlordhelpmenow - 15/01/2012 03:54 - United States

Today, my dad created a new rule: It isn't old until there's mold. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 506
You deserved it 2 689

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Is he talking about food or women?


liir 18

That sounds like the rule at my house. Last year as I was cleaning out the cabinets, I found something that expired back in 1992.

Oh, well, after the milks gone bad, pour him a drink. Tell him, there's no mold, so it's fine.

Then it looks like your father has a new title. "Food taster" allow one to two hours after he has a few bites or eats before having any yourself. Can take up to that long for any toxins from fungi and bacteria to make you show symptoms.

I feel so bad that your dad is trying to kill you all =(

RainaMadeilline 0