By fannylovesfelix - 10/03/2009 23:05 - United States

Today, my cat got into the bathroom while I was changing my tampon. As I was throwing the applicator away, I felt a sharp pain around my vagina; I looked down to find him swatting at the tampon string. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 757
You deserved it 11 903

fannylovesfelix tells us more.

Hiii... My bathroom is insanely tiny. Think airplane bathroom small; I can lean over from the toilet to reach the sink/trash can, so...I was leaning over from the toilet. Fail, I know. Lesson learned. Also, my door doesn't completely shut so he can pry it open. Ehh, or he cries and well...I feel bad. I've given up on keeping him out. : On a lighter note, it doesn't hurt anymore. Also, he's cute enough that I forgive him. :)

Top comments

Owww, I knew there was reason to not letting the cat into the bathroom. They'll swat at your genitilia

I thought this was going to be another "that's the most action I've had in months" type of FML


Mav_fml 0

How long is your tampon string?! And what position where you in? Seriously, the only situation I can imagine is that you were standing or lying legs akimbo. Otheriwse, unless you Americans have freakishly long tampon strings, I can't see how your cat would have spotted or, or managed to bat it.

I really can't see how this is possible. Surely you would have seen the cat in between your legs? Or do you just close your eyes and hope for the best?

To everyone who doesn't think this is possible, you should read #42, it's the OP explaining her position. And I am guessing the cat could have stood on its hind legs, put one paw on the toilet, and swatted away. Cats do come in varying sizes you know, there are some that are really tall. And I totally understand OP. I let my cat into the bathroom because he cries incessantly if I don't. Though my only worry is usually him jumping into the toilet before I can flush it >.

A7X5989 0

not FML but pretty funny, made my day haha

How in the hell do you sit when you were put your tampons in..? I can't even think of how the cat got to the tampon string in the first place unless you were squatting on the floor or the cat was in your toilet or something....