By anonymous - 03/01/2011 19:50 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me there was a tick on my shoulder and that he would remove it so I shouldn't worry. After about a half hour, lots of blood, and a ton of pain, he told me it was just a mole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 871
You deserved it 5 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GettyLee 0


gina22100 0

Dam!!!!! Dats fkd up!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha

awesomeguy1221 4

It's a little bit of an obvious difference. Then again, it's not your fault.

gina22100 0

I tink he did it on purpose kus maybe he dint like d mole ....

fairymacabre 7

seriously.moles are disgusting

smiles2334 0

u must hav been starin pretty hard

I suggest seeing a doctor now. You shouldn't mess with moles!

gina22100 0

They won't do that if u woukd have gone to the hospital they would have taken it of by using a lighter the heat makes the tik let go....

"Using petroleum jelly, alcohol or a lit match to remove a tick does not work." Taken directly from the NHS website. Pretty sure if it caused a lot of pain it would have been wise to go to a doctor as it could have had complications, and now you need to see one anyway :p

wtff? why would a doctor use a lighter, they would numb-(or how evrr you spell it) you and remove it thoroughly.

treyzweezy 0

he probably didnt want to pay

Your boyfriend is an idiot, it's not even tick season. Go to a doctor!

gina22100 0

A lit match does work I speak frm xpierience as a kid they took me to a hospital and d hospital ppl did that and it came of wit no pain at all....

Please lay off the booze for everyone's sake.

You didn't know you had a mole on your shoulder?