By dollfacee - 09/07/2015 16:51 - United States

Today, my boyfriend admitted that he thinks I'm cheating on him, with my brother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 644
You deserved it 2 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Why is he always 'hanging out' in your house Denise?!"

Probably time to dump him if he's so insecure he thinks you'd hook up with your own brother


I used to have a boyfriend like that. Run. You will be so glad you didn't stick around.

FalloutScrolls 25

Anyone else's gag reflex kick in reading this?

RedPillSucks 31

maybe he's projecting. your brother should be concerned.

Ask your boyfriend to stop watching game of thrones

well somebody has been watching too much Game of Thrones lol

bad_boyfriend 10

That a big red flag. Either he has serious jealousy issues or he doesn't understand what healthy sibling relationships look like, or both. I'd get out of there.

First off are you even sure that he is serious and wasn't just messing around. Like me and my brother in law are always messing around that were lovers and going to steal my sisters kids and move to Canada. Just saying. Also if he is serious why does that make him paranoid that shit happens and its F'ed up.

Big difference in your stories. There is nothing incestuous with you and your brother in law running away to be a couple. The only thing that makes it wrong is he is married to your sibling and that you joke around about kidnapping. There are many things wrong and incestuous about OP running off with her blood related brother.