By Jazzyfayyye - 29/05/2009 17:51 - United States

Today, my boyfriend said, "You know who you remind me of? Sarah Palin." And then for the next 15 minutes continued to discuss how ugly she is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 303
You deserved it 3 691

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your boyfriend's an idiot 1) for basically calling his girlfriend ugly 2) for thinking Palin is ugly, she's one of the hottest MILFs around


#4 You got it! I'd love to **** her if she had her vocal chords removed.

I'm sorry - I agree your life is f***ed. Any comparison to Sarah Palin is a bad comparison. If somebody compares you to Sarah Palin - it means that they could be calling you stupid, idiot, ignorant, illiterate, bigot, racist etc. etc. etc. Again, I'm sorry.

xThatRandomGirlx 0

Well... Can you see Russia from your backyard? Did your daughter completely invalidate that whole "abstinence only" thing, thus making you look silly? Do you have a nervous twitch that causes you to wink incessantly? Are you secretly in love with Joe the Plumber? Is your boyfriend a secessionist douchebag? 'Cause if the answer to any of that is yes, then I can see where your boyfriend (aka, The Prick) is coming from... Oh, and Sarah Palin IS a solid 8... for Republicans, that is. Personally, I'm not all that impressed.

She never said she could see Russia from her house. Just saying.

wat an ass dump him. thats so rude, especially saying it to ur face.

Sarah Palin is hot. Let me guess, you argued about how ugly you think she is while he tried to convince you it was a compliment? And now you act all victimized...

Sarah Palin is damn sexy. If you look like her, that's definitely a compliment.

and if you call her ugly she'll shoot you in the face! lmfao!

UGADawg08 1

Sarah Palin rules. You should take it as a compliment.