By deadmedia - 30/08/2009 00:39 - Canada

Today, my best friend informed me that I could not be her maid of honour because I "wasn't as pretty as the other bridesmaids" and she wanted her wedding photos to have "consistency". FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 001
You deserved it 3 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what a total you really consider her your bestfriend?

kandi_shop_xoxo 0

I thought brides wanted their bride's maids to be ugly, so they could look prettier? haha


gigi2009 0

f**k your "best" friend. honestly. or fy friend's life for being so stupid, ...

damn what a bitch, maybe she should now be your ex best friend. A couple of people already made this point, but isn't the bride supposed to want to be the prettiest one up at the alter? If that is true, then why would your appearance matter?

baychic28 0

Seriously do some of you have lives? I mean correcting grammar on this stuff very sad...

wayfarer09 0

YDI for not being able to spell CONSISTENCY

BeccaBek 0

YDI if that is the type of person you consider a good friend. Don't even go to the wedding!

I hope you told the bitch where to shove it.

Bullshet 0

I hope you're not friends with that bitch anymore after this. Show up to the wedding drunk or something. Or just go on a nice vacation with some other friends. I mean, if she's that worried about everything looking nice that she's so quick to shove you out of her wedding party because she thinks you're ugly, the ceremony obviously doesn't mean a whole lot to her. Sounds like she just wants the attention.