By Nigel - 13/07/2015 21:15 - United States

Today, most of my family was out of the house, so I took the opportunity to go to the bathroom and browse some porn. Five minutes later my sister comes and asks me to disconnect from bluetooth and that my "dinosaur noises" were blocking her and her friend's music. I'm currently hiding in shame. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 461
You deserved it 13 395

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least she didn't know what it actually was!


I died inside when I read this, Poor little sis.

sorry pal but you totally deserve to be humiated!! Lol smh check and check again and after that, Check yet again that you aren't connected to blue tooth when ya wanna look at yer **** dude lol!!! :/

You deserve it. Use your brain next time.

I can't decide which would be funnier the dinosaur sex or you screaming like a dinosaur. It would still be hilarious :-) :-) :-) . SCREEEEEEEEEEEECHHHHHHH!!!

dagarr 11

You are still lucky they thought it was dinosaur noises

Never heard of dinosaurs **** before

"Today, MOST of my family was out of the house" Nope, YDI.

I think she is mature enough to call it sarcastically a dinosaur noise..Lol..YDI op