By eww657 - 16/12/2009 15:43 - United Kingdom

Today, it's the first evening that my husband and I will have without the kids in 8 months. We had been looking forward to it for ages, and my husband had even bought me some lovely new lingerie for the occasion. Guess what? I just got diarrhea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 332
You deserved it 3 877

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think the diarrhea addition was a clever ploy to detract our attention away from what they did to their children in order to get that away time. I'm onto you, OP. ಠ_ಠ


1.) FAKE OR 2.)You planned that shit cause your screwy

Erindub 0

Take some immodium and STFU! Good god, sorry for going off on you but I'm in a bad mood today and as a 30 year old woman I decided I'd never want to share my time/life with dealing with children so I don't have kids. I say YDI for having kids : )

chazerboy 0

Well thats a turn off.

mrs_sean_flanery 0

don't post links like that, your an ass for postig links to hate sights! for all you know you just caused this girl's suicide because you posted that link. good job jackass

ClaireXX 0

#34 you're an ass. To make that site is more immature than cheating. You don't deserve a good relationship.

That is the worst action blockage ever. Especially if it's that nasty kinda diarrhea where it comes back in small waves over hours XD So for anyone who says just wipe real well....she might just have to deal with more than that lol

Erindub 0

Take some immodium and STFU! Good god, sorry for going off on you but I'm in a bad mood today and as a 30 year old woman I decided I'd never want to share my time/life with dealing with children so I don't have kids. I say YDI for having kids : )

JCrown84 0

Thats disgusting. Honestly, what prompted you to post that on the internet? Just ew.