By lonely. - 15/08/2012 16:46 - United States - Buffalo

Today, it finally clicked in my mind how desperately lonely I am, when I shaved one of my legs just to find out what a woman's leg feels like. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 063
You deserved it 8 917

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Try being as social as possible to meet women & eventually make a move on the right one. Even if you don't get a girlfriend right away, it's okay, OP, you'll feel better over all because you won't feel as lonely. To make up for times you're not in the mood to go out then form a hobby. Point is, be happier & social or you will not get a girl.

Epikouros 31

If touching a man's legs feels good enough for you, your lonely days will soon be over :)

zander4310 5

you need a girl...for sure...and wear jeans for a while'll find one...just hope your leg hair is back by then...

zuzupetalsYO 11

I wish I could choose between, "you're life sucks", "you deserved it", and "you are a dumbshit." I'm dumbshit two words!?

BongRipsForJesus 7

You're the one that doesn't know the difference between "you're" and "your". Dumbshit. :)

fudgeimout 2

It's kind of like the stranger hand jerk, except you're not sitting on your hand till it doesn't feel like yours.

Wow... does this mean that I'm lonely, too? I mean, I have only hairy legs to touch. My boyfriend wouldn't be amused, if I told him to shave. Or I'd shave. But I can't stop laughing. XD

Aw. I want to hug you. Get out there and start asking girls out. If you keep asking, one is bound to say yes. Key points: 1. Smell good 2. Smile 3. Make conversation

hardimanc 1

Remember to add lotion for an accurate substitute ;)