By Anonymous - 24/04/2012 04:44 - United States

Today, I yet again heard a friend say "YOLO" as if it's a word. It was so annoying that I had to restrain myself from punching him in the face and offering him the chance to suck on one of my turds, since apparently "YOLO." FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 919
You deserved it 5 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would have punched him in the face anyway...

friend: -falls out of tree- me: "oh my gosh, are you okay?" friend: "yeah man YOLO" me: -_____-


cuddlebunny3548 11
charmanderCHAR 5

YOLO has been used for ages, and only became popular when Drake started using it recently. "This motto is similar to the mottoes 'you've only got once chance to live' or 'enjoy it while you can'. People often use these phrases to persuade their friends to take risks or do something they normally wouldn't do. The phrase has been a motto for people for a long time, but the shortened version, YOLO, has gained popularity since the release of the song "The Motto" by Drake and Tyga. They reference the term in their rap, saying, "you only live once, that's the motto, nigga YOLO." In many cases, though, the term has been blown out of proportion and teenagers over use it by hash-tagging it in pictures and wall posts on Facebook because it's become trendy." Yes, flaunt your big, scary internet biceps. You have some ******* temper, OP, if you get worked up by someone using a phrase that's been around for a while.

OP, I pretend they're saying "Rolo", like the candy. It makes it way better. Or, if you find a different word to replace it with, go for that. Just don't punch anybody because" you only live once", and you don't want to spend that time in jail.

zumiez069 5

You odviously lack originality

I hate this slang shit thats going around, i gets pretty annoying

honeybeebre16 3