By negromancer - 11/07/2009 01:08 - United States

Today, I worked up the courage to ask my crush out for coffee after work. She agreed and I confidently said, "Alright, it's a date!" She replied, "Haha, a date with you? I'm just going for the free coffee!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 664
You deserved it 4 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Xeciaris 0

I hate girls like her. Gold digging bitch, just waiting to find a rich old geezer to marry and divorce to loot out millions in divorce settlements. Don't even bother to go to the coffee place with her. I bet she's a STD sanctuary. Just move on.

Surely you told her where to go after that?


Bitch! Why would she say that to your face? I hope you're not still taking her out and buying her free coffee. Also, LOL at #105.

spawn_of_satan 0

that's messed up.....what a biatch

ifeelasif 0

anyone is going to assume they are lewd.. because thats just hhow everyone is.. people you needa chill the **** outt... getting all pissy and shit.. my god

Mancubus 2

Atleast she told you to your face she was using you to get free shit. I have a buddy who took a girl out for an expensive dinner date. Only after their date did he find out she's a lesbian.

jpd212 1

dude **** that bitch, she's not worth your time no matter how hot she is. spill it on her, then we'll see how much she likes that free coffee

What a bitch. You should slap her with a rubber chicken.

Lol I feel for you dude, sounds like an awkward situation to be in... Now the way I understand, or at least judging by the "vibe" that came across the internet, it wasnt said as a friendly joke/comment. So what I would do is say: "well, if its coffee your after, why dont you go buy yourself one, my treat ;)" and then put like a shitload of small coins on the table. But hey, Im a bit psychotic at times :D but tbh if a girl is that untactful, the bitch deserves it :P

gatosmaya 0

you have to make her like you, dont give up at that

hmm.. it is unreasonable to expect women to pay for half? 21st century and equal rights, after all.