By argh - 20/03/2012 08:16 - United States - Houston

Today, I woke up to the faint memory of being drunk enough to draw dicks on my own face in permanent marker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 108
You deserved it 33 462

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Curfman 0

I bet they were bigger than yours too

You my friend are suffering from deeply recessed homosexual tendencies. The influence of alcohol introduced into your brain function has let you "drop your guard" so to speak and you reacted by opening that "closed chamber" and let your deepest desires loose. By drawing several phalluses on your face and I am probably safe in saying that most of them, if not all were pointed at your mouth you were able to realize your dream of being orally penetrated by several well hung men. Go with your desires, do not keep them repressed, open the "well-spring" of sexual freedom you have been guarding as a secert all these years. $300 dollars please..... BTW - this post was funny as shit!


perdix 29

Looks like when you go to work, you'll be ready to take dictation.

craftyones 0

That's as ugly as two boys *******.

KiddNYC1O 20

That party last night was awfully crazy...

obviousboy 8

You drunk trolled yourself. I salute you.

Forever alone huh, no best friend to make an ass out of you in the morning by drawing dicks on your face.

Did you also happen to draw an arrow pointing to your mouth, nothing wrong with your subconsciousness love affair with dick in yo mouth.