By Brook363 - 27/05/2009 15:39 - United States

Today, I witnessed the homeless man that visits my neighborhood placing bags containing his own poop in my trash cans. I later received a notice stating that the garbage company will not provide my residence with garbage service until I “refrain from placing bags of my own feces in the trash.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 787
You deserved it 3 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is your garbage can made of metal? If so, attach the live part of a cattle prod to it so when the homeless guy touches it he gets a shock. You can use gloves to pick up the lid, and detach the prod when the garbage men come round :) Nothing could go wrong, trust me.

I agree with number four. It's no different then diapers, and it's in a bag. I put my dogs poop bags in the trash and I've never recieved a letter of any kind about it. But..How did they know it was poop in the bags? Did they rip them open to see? Wtf.


I can't seem to find "Person who sifts through other people's trash to find stuff in there that isn't supposed to be in there" on my "master list" of Jobs in the Universe...

annabananaxx 0

I put bags full of my dogs' poop and when I had a rabbit, bags full of rabbit poop in the trash, and the trash company didn't say anything. I'm doubting this one, but hey, if it's true, fyl.

What's really funny about this is now the city thinks the OP ***** in bags instead of using the toilet.

I'm sorry 19, I've also bagged human shit and thrown it out. Do you know how many times I've bagged my little brothers and sisters shit after they crapped on the floor? I have NEVER had a complaint. My grandma who's currently living with us sometimes craps her bed since she can't get up. My mom and I also bag that and throw THAT out. Garbage men don't look IN the can, they toss the contents in the truck without a second thought, put the can back and drive off. And number 24, apparently dog poop isn't the "same" as human poop. At least they collected the poop the same day, my dogs poop sits out for days before they come collect garbage.

Curtieeeez 0

#6, some little kid might just walk by and touch it.. Then his life truly would be F'ed.

Shadydeals 0

The hobos used to poop in the middle of our spots in the woods all the time, obviously they did it for the laughs.

A lot of hobo FMLs lately. I still dislike the homeless who act like this.