By busybee - 10/05/2009 03:38 - United States

Today, I went to the zoo with a guy I like, when we were there we saw a swarm of bees. I told him that if I got stung he would have to watch me because my dad is deathly allergic to bees and I have never been stung. Jokingly, he nudged me into the bush and said "let's see". We did. I'm allergic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 746
You deserved it 5 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PLEASE tell me you don't like him any more. Kick him in the chuckies.

AK 2

What an asshole. Even if you weren't allergic that would still have sucked. Seriously, what the hell? "Look, there's a swarm of bees! Let's jump in and see if you're allergic or not!"


That guy is a complete dick! **** HIS life!

Thats when you "jokingly nudge" him into the tiger pit and see if he's edible.

Why do you like him again? Personality I'm sure.

calamari 0

Isn't he just charming? :)

ilovefmlife 0

lol Im sure he didn't mean to but if he did than yeah he's an asshole.

What a cockmunch. You should find out what he's allergic to and get him back somehow.

FAKE. You do not have an allergic reaction if you have never been stung before. If you're going to lie at least do it right.

I don't get why everyone is attacking the boy in this scenario. I mean, yea he nudged her into the bush, but one: she said herself he was joking and two: it's not like he can force a bee to sting her. It was just one of those things that happen and it sucks. Now if he had known she was allergic, and thrown her into a bee hive, then I'd get it. But this was just an innocent little accident. He tried to be playful and screwed up, it doesn't exactly deserve the death penalty.