By Lou - 01/06/2010 15:59 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to the supermarket; it was taking me ages to walk home because of the heavy food bags. Halfway home, I realised I had gone in my car. I had to walk all the way back to get my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 569
You deserved it 58 686

Same thing different taste


biggest dumbasssss I've ever heard of, lmao idiot....!!

shitthappened 0

you are one stupid ************

KoRn_Freak 1

who would forget that they drove??? weirdo.... FYL anyways, cause that has to have sucked!

xXWhysoseriousXx 0

at least u didnt break the bags right?

I've done this before, especially when I lived on campus, I'd have parked by the sports center, throw my stuff in the car and go to class and walk all the way home and then remember where the car was when I really needed it.

do you have mental problems?who has such bad memory that they couldnt remember if they drove to the store or not?

blink831forever 13

Seriously! How do you forget that you drove to the store?!