By Still Dry - 18/08/2010 02:01 - United States

Today, I went to a water park, and the fee to get in was $39.95. Once I got in I was really thirsty, so I got a soda and then I hear over the intercom that the park is closing due to a clog in the cleaning system. I paid 43.67 for a soda. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 433
You deserved it 4 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I agree with 7. if that was the case and they didn't refund you for a glitch in their system, there would be a LOT of angry,complaining park-goers. lol


haha that sucks!!! :P was the soda at least a dr. pepper ;) haha


ya f*cking idiot. I'm sure they'd give you a refund.

poopmonster05 3
Shookitup 0

I was at Six Flags and a water bottle costs $3.50, it's stupid how much theme parks price their food items.

Chrisskiies 0

Your dog looks evil captain. :/