By yuckduck - 10/04/2015 12:29 - Canada - Brandon

Today, I went to a job interview. It would have been fine if I had remembered it was over the phone, and not in person. I drove two hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 807
You deserved it 10 267

yuckduck tells us more.

Ok guys, figured I'd give a quick update. Thanks to all of you who realized it was a mistake anyone could make! Lately I've been looking for a job, so I have a lot of interviews to keep straight. I had this interview, and another one tomorrow and they are both in the same town, I thought the interview tomorrow was the phone interview, and the one today was in person. Unfortunately I made a mistake, but I've learned to definitely keep my things more organized. The interviewer also completely understood and let me do it in person anyways. Hopefully you all learn from my mistake

Top comments

At least you showed dedication or so he thought I hope.

SarahSehhati 40

Hopefully they notice your enthusiasm about the job and hire you :) Good luck OP :)


Grauncho 27

"Ah, sorry. We can't hire you because you went above and beyond for this interview."

You shouldn't talk on the phone while driving. Why didn't you just pull over?

you shouldn't read fmls while driving. should've just pulled over.

You could've always just called them from the parking lot OP.

Great first impression forgetful Freddy

therealjc_fml 14

Did they call you and conduct it over the phone while you sat there?

Maybe you should have written down where it was at? Then you could have saved yourself a lot of time.

foxmatrix15 8

People might hate to hear this but FYL. Your lucky they didn't see u in person they would have figured out about ur attention span and probably not hire u.

Resume skill: Follows directions well.

I'll definitely be adding that to it ?

Ok guys, figured I'd give a quick update. Thanks to all of you who realized it was a mistake anyone could make! Lately I've been looking for a job, so I have a lot of interviews to keep straight. I had this interview, and another one tomorrow and they are both in the same town, I thought the interview tomorrow was the phone interview, and the one today was in person. Unfortunately I made a mistake, but I've learned to definitely keep my things more organized. The interviewer also completely understood and let me do it in person anyways. Hopefully you all learn from my mistake

Zwerik 31

Well, thankfully the interviewer was understanding and let you do it in person. I hope you get hired, good luck OP!

That's a lot more understandable then if they were in the same city and around the same time. In the future, always double check the details of any sort of meeting right before you leave to avoid this sort of thing. It's a good practice to get into to make sure you're always prepared for the time, place, and whatever you need to bring along. But I'm glad that you at least got to do the interview!

Great to hear it worked out. I'd have clicked YDI, but I can definitely understand being worked up enough about an interview that you'd forget something obvious.

Get a day planner, they really help me out organizing school work, and both my parents have one, they more than pay off trust me!

mwali02 32

Follow up afterwards to let us know if you get the job! Good luck with the search OP! :)

You should have known about it in the first place