By bad luck skier - 30/12/2013 20:28 - United States - Albany

Today, I went skiing. On the first run of the day, a little girl came out of nowhere and crashed into me. I was fine, but she was hurt, so I called the ski patrol. She told him that I deliberately hit her, and got me kicked out. I was there for 10 minutes. I paid for all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 961
You deserved it 3 494

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you hit little girls while skiing you're gonna have a bad time


...I swear I've read this post before, word for word.

I ski a lot, and any skier/ ski resort worker should be able to realise that someone doesn't just purposely hit someone. Especially when it's in this type of context( trees near by, short little kid not knowing the rules of skiing).

I would have said now why on earth would I deliberately hit her? I would complain about the ski patrol and demand my money back.

dewhockey 9

The ski patrol must be a bunch of idiots. If you deliberately hurt the girl, I doubt you would have called them over to check on her. Methinks they should have considered that before ejecting you from the slopes.

you should find out where that dumb bitch live and ******* cut a finger one every ten minutes then shoot her in the boob

tompou6 19

That sucks, but hey, at least you got some of the best first responders in the world (can't say much for that hill though)

HeyHeyFishFillet 34
TcheQ 12

Yeahhh... cos a couple of burly guys can kick you out with no recourse. Better come on here and complain.

What a little bitch! You SHOULD have deliberately hit her AFTER that.