By Anonymous - 08/11/2010 01:13 - United States

Today, I went shopping with my new "It's true, I'm a Ninja" shirt on. Suddenly an apple comes and hits me right in the eye. A little boy runs up to me, yells "You aren't a Ninja! A Ninja would have caught that!", and runs off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 320
You deserved it 65 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments


chelle_starlight 0

looks like it is time to plot some sweet revenge on that kid...prove you are a Ninja by doing something slient but deadly...

chelle_starlight 0

yeah...when in doubt, always start there...haha...the kid won 't know what hit him...

Ancients 8

Would your friend catch the apple?:)

shoulda threw a throwing star in his eye

A true Ninja would have; 1: got the tattoo of the slogan. Not the shirt. 2: not gone to the mall unless it was night and shadowy and shit. 3:not be from Texas 4: wouldn't have wrote an fml because a Ninjas life is AWESOME 5: caught the apple or diced it or turned it into a pie..

Realistically speaking, that was not at all fair. But don't blame the boy. Blame the parents who raised the little darling into thinking it's perfectly okay to throw stuff at people to test if a t-shirt your wearing is literal. Be glad it was an apple and not something more dangerous.

FYLDeep 25

Don't wear a shirt that says something like that. It's like wearing a shirt for a band you don't really listen to. Then if someone who actually listens to them asks you some fact about the band you'll sound like an idiot for not knowing what they are talking about.

No, it's not 'well put'. I'm sick of all you muso snobs thinking you can't like a band's music unless you know every detail about every band member's life. 'I like Muse' 'Oh ye, then what's the lead singer's name and what shoe size is he and what colour underpants is he wearing today? YOU DON'T LIKE MUSE AT ALL!' Being obsessed does not make you a fan it makes you pathetic

FYLDeep 25

I'm not super hardcore about knowing details, but if you can't name a few songs, possibly an album or two, why the hell would you wear a shirt for that band? I don't call people posers for dressing certain ways to fit styles and whatnot. But don't try to appear as though you like something if you don't. It's lame. Those are the true posers.

FYLDeep 25

I know I phrased it as "some fact" above. I'm not trying to downplay my original phrasing, but I meant something well-known. Like I heard a story about some guy going to a Megadeth concert, and as common, puts on a T-Shirt for a similar band. In this case Metallica. Seems legit, two thrash metal bands, right? Well, if you didn't know that Mustaine hated Metallica and that many Megadeth fans are really butthurt about it, you could get ****** up. It's a good idea not to show support for something you don't have knowledge of. Shit like that will get you in trouble. Like what if I wore a shirt with a Swastika on it cause I thought the design was cool.

suzuki2005 2