By Anonymous - 20/11/2011 00:21 - United States

Today, I went outside for a cigarette since I don't like smoking in the house. When I was done, I stomped it out. I wasn't wearing shoes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 120
You deserved it 66 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

Jeez, now your foot is probably as disgusting looking as your lungs.


PurpleTurtle666 1

really? why do you guys even give a f_ck that she smokes?! its not your body! enough with the YDI for smoking! i feel more bad for their foot. not the fact that they smoke.

um yeah...actually, second hand smoke affects quite a lot of people...just to let you know if you already didn't...

Yea, nobody gives 2 ***** about your opinion on smoking. OP's choice for smoking. OP should just feel stupid for not wearing shoes.

Every single ******* one of you who had a bitch about OP smoking is an idiot. If someone was cutting onions and was crying and cut their fingers, you might as well say YDI for using a knife YDI for cutting onions and YDI for been a crying little bitch. Well no of course not, I'm sure op knows smoking is bad and was probably smoking at home in their own property so putting the cig out on the ground should be no problem. Just because many of you are against smoking does not mean you should be forcing others to think like you. It's like being against gay marriage and going around ruining all gay marriages it's just stupid pointless and being a complete douche. Anyway this is the internet and therefore a good 95% of you are utter retards so whatever.

minamail25 7

That's what you get for smoking!

Use an ashtray. Then you aren't littering.

oSaraho_fml 2
spanishottie45 0

Don't smoke and that won't ficking happen db ass bitch! Lolol

It's life's way of telling you to stop stepping on lit cigarettes