By DrewK - 14/05/2013 20:09 - United States - Great Falls

Today, I went into the men's restroom and started peeing in a urinal next to a middle-age man. As he zipped up and walked away, he said to me, "Don't worry, it'll grow." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 878
You deserved it 4 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maryiah 21

Anything is better than my 3 inch slanger.


That's ****** that this old guy looked anyway.....not the size of the sword but its the motion of the ocean

I would have shot a sarcastic comment back like, 'Yeah, and maybe your brain will grow if you water your hair daily like a chia pet.'

Everytime I read an FML about penis size, I realize just how fortunate I am. Or rather, my boyfriend is. But if you have hand skills, or mouth skills, you can make up for it if you are not fortunate. Generally size doesn't do for the ****** though, that's the hand or tongue work.

MartiOan 8

"Just like your prostate" is what you should have said.

YDI that wouldn't have happened if you followed the unwritten laws of men's restroom etiquette.

YDI for peeing in the next stall over. Never. Do. It.

MoroseMoose 47

What if that's the only unoccupied one?!

MoroseMoose 47

I'm sure he was just messing with you!