By collball22 - 22/08/2011 04:58 - United States

Today, I was with my boyfriend and I said that I was self-conscious of my acne. He told me that only one of my zits was noticeable and that it wasn't so bad. In fact he said it looked cool, like a bullet wound or something "awesome" like that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 407
You deserved it 5 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is this the same guy from a few weeks back who had a pimple fetish? If not, they should totally hang out.

Awww he is trying to make you feel better to bad he sucks at it.


Okay, I'm pretty sure he was just trying to make you feel better. He probably doesn't even care that you have ONE zit that's noticeable. Chill Moe.

AFuckinCrocodile 6

girls stfu god damn,this is why ugly fat girls suck!!! and the occasional good looking girl who is like that.

Killn4Laughs 0

he didn't think that one threw lol

funny haha my bf said exactly the same thing to me once...

It's not really as easy as buying proactiv. Everybody's skin is different. Some acne is actually caused by an obscure skin disease vs. bacteria getting stuck in your pores. The best option really is so see a dermatologist, let them get a skin sample, and most likely recommend an expensive medication. Not everybody's insurance plan covers dermatology, and not everybody can afford some of the high power acne creams that are on the market. I've literally tried every over the counter brand and one prescription brand - I've just accepted the fact that my skin will never be clear unless I go see a dermatologist and figure out what the hell is happening with my crazy face, lol. Nobody seems to notice unless they're uncomfortably close, and once in a while I do get a monster one, but it's not horrible to deal with. And girls don't expect their men to lie all the time to make them feel better, we just want your opinion when we're feeling insecure. If a girl gets mad at you for being honest, she's insane. XD. At least, I don't expect my man to lie. I worry I've gained weight, he tells me no you're not a horrible bloated monster, but you have gained a little. Go biking a lot more, start swimming, eat better, all will be well eventually. It's adorable how he was trying to make her feel better - but comparing a zit to a bullet wound kind of goes against a girl's hopes that nobody will notice it's there, rofl.

hannahmorgan06 7

aww he was trying to make you feel better!! he's a keeper! :)

Aww. He tried. He failed...but this is one of those situations where the thought counts.

weirddark 2

ok, he's trying to tell you he doesn't care about your acne and make you feel better about by, im guessing, trying to be funny. How about taking this as a sign that you have a really good guy?

Lady_Bee_fml 13

That's really cute XD he sounds rather sweet :D