By Biggie - 12/05/2009 07:49 - United States

Today, I was walking with my girlfriend when she began skipping ahead of me and out in to the street. I saw a car coming right at her so I tackled her to the ground to save her. Turns out the car was stopping and was never going to hit her, and my girlfriend doesn't appreciate concussions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 811
You deserved it 12 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cessari 0

LOL You've been watching too many super hero movies


justxdream 0

#1. lets not get too excited or anything...

morganlee 7

awww how nice are you it's the thought that counts! :)

yeah #76 is a loser! thats so cute :) I'd appreciate a concussion if my bf gave it to me trying to save my life.

razorface 0

aww that is so sweet. she should appreatie it that you tried to save her life and put your own life in danger so hers wasnt. i think that is very noble and chivalrous. there should be more men like you.

It's the thought that counts. In this case, it probably can't count very high.

Wouldn't the car have tackled her to the ground as well? YDI.

l33tm0nk3y 0

#101, a person tackling you to the ground is going to be a lot less harmful than a car doing so. Hopefully OP's girlfriend will forgive him for being a little overzealous. Personally, I prolly would have done the same. I'd rather girlfriend a concussion trying to save her from what turned out to be a nonthreat than have her get hit by a car knowing I could have done something but didn't. Nothing wrong with playing it safe.

Jadieexx23 0

this would DEFFINATLY happen with me and my boyfriend. :)

If the car stopped it was either going really slow or ages away I don't think tackling her was necessary if you were that worried you should have pulled her back instead of throwing yourself on her.