By Grrr - 20/07/2012 07:58 - United States - Salem

Today, I was walking in my apartment when I felt something stab my foot. Thinking it was a piece of glass, I looked down. It was one of my roommate's toenail clippings. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 375
You deserved it 2 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Put your toenail clippings under the covers in his bed!

You see a toenail, I see an ingredient for the next time he/she has a meal >:)


Whenever I trim my nails or toe nails a lot of times they fly off in random directions because of the clippers.....including my eye once! D: lol Could've been an honest mistake(:

Andie is wicked sexy I can see you listening to classical in your room in a nice pair of panties and a tank how sexy

How is this worse than stepping on a piece of glass? You'd have a hole in your foot if it was glass. I'm sure the toenail just fell there accidentally. If it really bugs you, talk to your roommate but this is really not that bad.

linkinpark98 23

Gross. If you're going to clip your toenails while living with someone else, at least have the curtesy to do it in the bathroom or something. That's disgusting. :P

Oh gods... flashbacks to last year's foul room-mate... *twitch twitch twitch* Lets hope they're not also leaving week-old dinner remains on your plates, otherwise I'd say you're perfectly entitled to put some goggles on them and then scour them and their property thoroughly.

As gross as that may be, you should at least be glad that it wasn't a piece of glass. Toenails don't draw blood.

unknown_user5566 26

Sit your rommate down for a little chat, and slowly explain how hygenic people handle toenail clippings. Based on this FML, your roommate has very little common sense so it may be beneficial to draw a picture to supplement your instructions, OP.

unknown_user5566 26

What is wrong with my spelling today?! Roommate*, damnit. I think I am going to spend some time writing the word "roommate" down over and over again, since I've spelled it wrong four ******* times in only two comments. Gah.

...thank God it's nearly the weekend. I know what you mean. I brushed my hair with the dogs brush this morning. I smell like a wet dog. Not attractive.

You are damn sexy who cares how stupid you are I would let you mis spell what ever you want

Well.. I mean once u clip it the thing flies away...

KiddNYC1O 20

True. Chances are it could've been op's own nail.