By EmBAREassed - 31/07/2009 13:43 - United States

Today, I was walking around Walmart feeling pretty good about myself as I received numerous looks from guys in passing. All of a sudden a man approached me to tell me that my dress was extremely see-through. And, since I was wearing a thong, he and everyone else could totally see my ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 502
You deserved it 60 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You deserve it. You probably should have checked yourself out in the mirror first. I have to agree with Shallow_Padentic: You most likely did that on purpose.


Probably a creepy guy who would come up and say that... not embarassing if you've got a nice body though

rustyrox 0
curryndricegirll 0

at least he was nice enough to tell you. get dressed in the dark again?

YDI for getting a boost off of Wal-Mart shoppers.

Apparently you're pretty good looking. Be proud of that! I don't blame you for feeling awkward for appearing less modest than you thought you were, but isn't this far better than guys turning away in disgust?

Why would you shop at Wal-Mart? That's like asking to get jumped.

It's possible that this person had a really dimly lit room and honestly didn't notice that her dress was see-through. She probably isn't a ****. She maybe just needed to go to Walmart to buy some toothpaste! And I'm pretty sure that everyone enjoys getting looked at from time to time. It makes you feel nice!

mrose57 0

**** alert! No mirrors at your house?

You were walking around WalMart and feeling good about yourself. YDI.

well... u still feel good right? still got good looks.