By ugly - 07/04/2009 23:34 - United States

Today, I was volunteering at a school. There's this really bratty boy there and he was being rude, so I joked, "How are you ever gonna get a girlfriend when you're so mean?" He responds, "I think the better question is how are you ever gonna get a boyfriend when you're so ugly." He's 7. FML
I agree, your life sucks 473
You deserved it 93

Top comments

mychemro_kiss 2

XD. He won. Hands DOWN. *pats back* Cookie?


bread_fml 0

Haha, you totally walked into that one.

Hooooo burn!!! Kids can be so mean. Funny to me, sucks for you. Sorry :(

Let's see, you insulted a 7-year-old, and he insulted you back. Call the ******* associated press, this needs to be published nationwide.

im sorry but YDI for being mean urself to the mean guy, what were you expecting a " your right" answer?? u got owned btw

Chaith 16

When this happens you just have to resist the temptation to make a come back. You're only going to win if you can realize when you're in a pissing contest against a seven year old. You are not going to win! Getting in to that position was your first **** up. Haha.

redhusk89 0

Wow next time try this. If he's being a brat throw out your chest and bark "drop and give me 20 son" Well he is seven so maybe you could back it off to like 10 or 15 but he should be able to do 20 pushups. This worked for me all the time when I had to keep a room full of little brats under control. Oh yeah, Make sure you can do 20 push ups though. The best way is to drop and pump out 20 hard and fast with the last five or ten being a clap push up. Then you just stand up and go "I'm waiting." and make sure he does them before he gets to leave the class. This is the best for three reason #1 he punishes himself because he has to administer it #2 You don't hit, spank, etc so you won't get in trouble #3 It keeps the kid in shape which is a major goal in school.

Pwned indeed. But you could have been nicer to him. And why say "girlfriend" when "friend" would have fit the context just as well?