By Googleit - 29/06/2011 16:44 - Canada

Today, I was told that I may die by the time I'm 30, and that I should Google the disorder because he doesn't know what it is for sure. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 138
You deserved it 3 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd go to another doctor for a second opinion

I smell an episode of mystery diagnosis..


Clozzie 0

im scared... is that for BOTH boys and girls? and os once a day okay for a few years?

I was told by a doctor that my dad would last for only 5 more years. I went to another doctor and he said "your dad Is healthier than me" :)

nate6957 2

that's some bs... bet the doc charged for the visit too!

RabidBunny 10

This doctor is obviously myopic and inexperienced. No one can know when you will die and giving you a time limit is absurd. According to a doctor a long time ago, I was only expected to live until the age of 8. I am now 16 and will be turning 17 soon! I'd say in your case, if the doctor doesn't know anything you can't take his word so there is still hope for you to get better.

dannyydanny 0
crazyin321 0

People!! Do have any idea how many "bugs" and illnesses and ailments are out there? You can't expect every doc to know everything about each possible diagnosis. (s)he could have looked it up at the office, but then the patient is listening to him read, and absorbing only half of what is said, or they can read it on their own, and likely comprehend a little more. I don't think this person is going to trust everything they could potentially find online, anyhow.


Actually, doctors should know pretty much close to everything. It's why they went to undergrad/medical school/internships for 8+ years. We don't pay them to sit there and look pretty, we pay them to save our lives.

I hate to burst your bubble, but internists do NOT know everything, nor should they be expected to. They know a lot about certain common maladies, and a bit less about many more, and not a whole lot about the rare stuff. The same can be said about specialists as well. There are too many things that can go wrong with the human body for anyone (except a savant) to know everything about everything. OP obviously has a rare disease, but if the doctor didn't know about the condition, he should have read up on it prior to giving the diagnosis.

i feel so safe knowing this doctor has a job in Ontario, my same province