By Anonymous - 12/11/2009 00:04 - United States

Today, I was texting while making dinner. I went to pour the noodles into the boiling water and I dropped my phone in. Not thinking, I went to retrieve it from the water. I now have a completely useless phone and a useless hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 940
You deserved it 39 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for using your phone over a vat of boiling hot water, and not thinking for that split second as to whether or not you should reach in and get it. People shouldn't be allowed to multitask when it comes to texting.


Dude I'm a kid and I cook, I'm not as stupid as you , nor am I a textaddict, I live without a cel phone

got what you deserved, the stupid shall be punished

put ur phone in rise for a week take the back off n put the battery in to

HairyPunisher 27
Flocka_23 14

Don't forget you have a completely useless brain as well

For the people giving OP hate for getting it, I got a second degree burn today from doing something similar. It's just instinct

Those are not the only useless things you have