By elizabethyeo - 20/02/2012 10:01 - Australia

Today, I was speaking to an old friend and I asked her how her mother was. She replied, "She passed away, you came to her funeral last month." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 452
You deserved it 46 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments


408trancejunkie 3
KimmieKat 0

Bahahahaha that's hat must've sucked bro

Mr25_fml 14

giving you the bebefit of the doubt, tell him that you suffer from short-term memory loss.

bubo_fml 10

Your an idiot for asking that but no one deserves to be in that awkward of a sidiation FYL

bibi18_fml 0

All you people are carrying on about how op was a jerk or op wasn't at fault. I lost my mom not even a week ago and if one of the people who attended her funeral asked me that a month later, that person would no longer be my friend. Think about what the other person felt...

hateevryone 14

oh ouch theres no recovery from that one. good luck