By Anonymous - 17/03/2012 15:53 - United States

Today, I was so bored that I spent two hours researching the history of spoons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 417
You deserved it 7 803

Same thing different taste


I did that once, and I wasn't bored....

Vaginabutter 15
LoveOfHate 4

Spooning leads to forking!!!!!!!!

Wooden spoons are made of wood. Did that help?

I've had those days... Boredom can lead to interesting things.

tanlines26 0

Nice way to spend your life.

Here's some info: spoons can be used to play a very racist game called Spoon. You throw a spoon at a black person, call them the N word, and if you miss you have to go get it. By the way, I've never played