By Anonymous - 17/03/2012 15:53 - United States

Today, I was so bored that I spent two hours researching the history of spoons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 417
You deserved it 7 803

Same thing different taste


If you finish your spoon research, look up spooning next. Or even spoonerisms. Hell, even look up people named Spooner. Then again, you could always figure out a way to not be bored, such as partying or meeting people.

zebralover23 14

That is so weird. My husband and I spent some time today trying to discover whether forks or spoons were older to settle an argument.

That actually sounds somewhat interesting. Could have been worse

That was lame, go fork yourself. *Cough*

It was supposed to be a response to another comment. IDK what happened. Sorry :/

Pretty sure you are for that pathetic comment.

I simply adore researching things when I'm bored. It's a better use of time than lounging around thinking of something to do. (: Plus, I always have some new tidbit of esoteric information to add to a conversation that piece of aforementioned info has literally nothing to do with. People are like, "What?" It's bloody hilarious.

The ****?* Oh and your picture is ******* sick. Can't wait for that.