By bloodprincess - 25/06/2013 17:13 - United States

Today, I was sitting on the couch with my family. They didn't even notice me there until the dog started barking at me because I took his spot. My mom defended the dog, and now I'm sitting on the floor while a Pomeranian takes up half the couch for himself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 490
You deserved it 4 857

bloodprincess tells us more.

bloodprincess 11

I'm really quiet and well my family chooses to ignore me unless it is time for house work.

Top comments


My family has pigs. They take up both of the couches and lay on you or try to push you off. Basically, I'm not allowed to sit on the couches anymore because I'm, "taking up the couch space." So, I feel your pain OP.

HeatherAS77 10

Half the couch?? That's either a very small couch or one huge Pom!!

So you are neglected until the dog began barking? And he took up half the couch there is another half for you or maybe another spot to sit maybe?

XxDancerGirlxX 17

I have the same problem with my Mom's dachshund. She either takes up the whole couch or refuses to sit in any one's lap but my Mom's.

Pomeranians are so ******* retarded. My boyfriend has one and that stupid thing will be out on a 20 minute walk, then get back home and piddle all over the place. They're the trolls of the dog world, and are probably why I'm so big into cats now. >.>

That just sucks.... Kick the dog out man

sounds like my mom and my dog. I have a papillon, and he's extremely spoiled. he has 2 dog beds and always gets the couch or takes up half of the actual bed. and I always end up on the floor...

And this is why I ******* hate small dogs and their owners. FYL, OP.