By hey-ooo - 28/10/2009 01:15 - United States

Today, I was sitting in the cafeteria with my friends when I suddenly passed out due to my hypoglycemia. When I woke up, I discovered that I was still in the same spot and my friends had abandoned me to go to class. Also, my stuff was stolen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 808
You deserved it 2 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL. some friends you have; you need new ones.

Are you sure that "friends" is the right word for them?


KBmaster 0

YDI because you live in Texas with people who only care about themselves.

kaykay007 0
banana_head 0

i would hardly call those idiots "friends"

Your friends either dont care about you, or must have thought that you were sooo tired that you passed out from not sleeping properly. If i was you i would have confronted them about it. **** the little rat ass thief who stole your stuff. I hate thieves :/. They should learn to steal from big,profitable company's e.g. walmart, sobeys etc :P

This is why you don't count on "friends". Ever.

germa_fml 0

I would of drawn on your face b4 I left you. That's what friends are for.

sadistic_mms 0

It sucks about your friends and stuff, but if you were in the cafeteria, why didn't you get food? When you start feeling dizzy, you have to get food quickly to prevent the passing out. I'm sure your friends wouldn't mind buying you a candy bar.

I have the same thing. eat next time, dumbass.

babyy09 0

i have hypoglycemia too. you can totally feel a fainting spell coming on. it doesnt just happen ot of nowhere.