By samantha - 27/01/2010 14:05 - Singapore

Today, I was sick with the flu so my boyfriend announced that he would make me some chicken soup. It was touching until I stumbled to the kitchen and found out that his "chicken soup" was actually leftover KFC bones boiled in water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 736
You deserved it 4 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh, yeah. FYL because you have a boyfriend that actually cares. Stop being a whiny bitch and appreciate that he's at least trying to help you feel better.

devildog42787 0

Today I tried to be nice and make my sick girlfriend chicken noodles soup from scratch with some kfc I had but all she did was bitch about it instead of being appreciative. fml


More proof that women are never satisfied with anything. I mean yeah, this guy's a total asshole, he's taking up time in his day to make you food and take care of you. What a jerk! Grow up, kid.

I gotta ask all the people, calling OP an 'ungrateful bitch', would you actually ENJOY chicken soup made from leftover fried chicken bones that had their meat chewed off them? That is NOT how you ******* make chicken soup! You make it with actual MEAT on it and it hasn't been fried or chewed up beforehand! That wasn't OPs boyfriend being loving and considerate. That was him being dumb and lazy. If he wanted to make chicken soup by scratch so badly, he should have bought a NON FRIED chicken from the store! Or if that's too much work, a can of condensed soup would be just as good. At least you're not eating leftover fried chicken soup with no meat on it!

Yes, I would, actually. Even without meat, the bones give it flavor, and boiling it kills germs. That shit's delicious, especially if you're sick. If my BF went through the trouble of making me soup, even with his pre-chewed bones, I'd be pretty damn touched.

Yeah, she should shut up and eat her damn leftovers.

Has anyone even thought of the possibility that she may have eaten the KFC? I mean it sucks that he would use KFC bones instead of some better chicken but it's still a common way to make broth. After Thanksgiving my grandmother takes the whole leftover turkey carcass and boils it in a big pot. It actually tastes really good. Yeah he could have bought broth from the store or even a can of soop but he was trying to do it from scratch. This is hardly and FML

Here is a hint, if you boil something, it kills the germs so to everyone saying it would have lots of germs, you fail at life.


Once when I was sick I asked my boyfriend at the time to make me ginger tea. when he brought me the tea there were pieces of ginger floating in the water. I laughed at him and asked him if he was trying to have me choke. we made it into a joke though. I still lol everytime I think of it. So basically, stop whining and appreciate the effort.