By nomorebeard - 25/03/2009 14:13 - United States

Today, I was shaving off my beard for the first time in a very long time. I decided to have a little fun with it, and shaved my beard first into a goatee, then a handle-bar, then, finally, into a Hitler mustache. My electric razor dies. I don't have a normal one or an extra battery. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 185
You deserved it 87 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fatass123 0

That's the best FML in quite a while. I spit out my drink when I read this. Make sure you ask somebody to pick up a new razor for you. Or at least make sure you don't go to "Goldberg's Pharmacy"


effedinma 0

Just put it back on the charger and wait twenty minutes so it has enough juice to trim the stache

Go to the drug store and ask, in a heavy German accent, "Ver are your razors?"

U DAMN NAZI!!!! lol.... wahhahahaha at #98..... just keep spare razors dude.. i mean non electric ones... unless ure afraid the Allies will cut you with it... wahahhaa.... i love it!!!

mister_moops 0

It's more common than you think. In fact, another guy posted about the same thing.

dudemitch 0

keep it! march is the month of mustaches anyway

Can you just plug your electric into an outlet? O_O

Greenman, you always have the best comments. Always.