By Sady_Ct - 16/06/2016 11:01 - Australia - Geelong

Today, I was once again called a "selfish bitch" because I don't want kids, even though I can't provide for them mentally, emotionally, physically or financially. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 418
You deserved it 1 692

Sady_Ct tells us more.

Sady_Ct 37

Hey guys, OP here... Wow! My first FML posted. To explain the situation, I was talking with my mum about how I'm unable to have kids due to physical issues with my body, my spine etc, all of which contribute to my financial and mental/emotional state. When some psycho storms up to me in the food court and screamed at me. What I actually do is help build the education funds for my nieces for when they grow up. Thanks for the support for everyone who understands... I get it on a weekly basis from everyone, including my partners family, and really gets under the skin. My father told me on his birthday at the start of the month that if I'm not pregnant by the end of the year he doesn't want to see me any more.. It's hard and it hurts, but i would never put a child of mine through what I went through. Thanks again for all your support! ^_^

Top comments

Yes, because refusing to put kids in a position that is detrimental to their mental, emotional, and physical health is such a selfish thing. Or refusing to add more kids to the already overpopulated planetary population. You aren't selfish, and they're idiots.

It's no one's business if you don't want to have children, and your father is a callous idiot for giving you that ultimatum. Besides, you're doing a noble act by placing funds for your nieces' futures. Keep doing what you're doing, OP. Don't let people try to shame you into something you'll regret.


you need to join the childfree website, there is so much support. I'm 30, have had an op to not have kids for the same reasons. I support you and your cause.

I'm heartened by the relatively large number of people who are sympathetic and not totally obtuse about this. So many children are in the foster care system because their biological parents failed them. If people are so damned concerned about children, they'd do a lot better helping the ones that exist already than trying to bully women into having unwanted offspring. Repulsive. I'm perfectly capable of having kids, I think I'd even be a good mother (and I know my boyfriend would be a great father) and I've always been told 'One day, you'll want them and you'll understand.' Cue many years of wondering when the alien baby-making instinct will kick in and take over my personality. I'm 28 and it hasn't happened yet, despite the fact that I like kids. So far, so good!

I believe I've read this entire thread. NOWHERE in here have I seen a single comment that did not agree with and commend you not only on your choice, but especially your right to that choice! I've never read a more sympathetic, agreeable and 'polite' thread since the internet was invented! Every single person agrees on this issue and it NEVER happens! Don't feel's the most UNselfish thing you could ever do...and enjoy your life!!!! Best of luck and well wishes to you and your partner!!!

Such a double standard, women who don't have kids are "selfish" but men who run around impregnating every woman possible is "a selfish jerk" make up your minds people!

I fail to understand how it's selfish not to want kids, even if you have no barrier to having them. I think it's selfish to bring an unwanted child into the world simply because people think that because you have a ****** you are obligated to spit out at least one kid.

Time to replace you then, thats some major problem in a relationship

#130 More like time to replace her family.

You don't have to explain yourself on why you aren't having kids. It makes me sad that we live in a world where people feel they have to justify their choices

I completely agree it's very unreasonable and stupid of anyone to abuse you for your choice. If they get desparate, tell them to adopt and fill their empty nest rather than trying to force you into having one you don't want and can't care for.