By dancer_2014 - 28/05/2011 12:44 - United States

Today, I was on my first blind date. We went to a fancy restaurant in the middle in the city. After using the bathroom, I came back to an empty table. He stole my purse and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 239
You deserved it 16 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A7X_LoVeee 10

Why would you leave your purse with someone you don't know? Try to use more common sense next time.


bigtredawg 2

sounds fake to me no woman I know leaves their purse at the table when they go to the restroom, much less with someone they just met.

MalaInsane_11 0

why wouldn't you take your purse with you?! omg!

CaptainPat 0

get ahold of whoever set you up with him and tell them. you'll probably get his name and adress. tell the cops.

Ugh I feel no sympathy for a dumb broad. You always bring your purse with you everywhere. -_-

YDI for leaving your purse unattended.

At least he just took your purse and did not hurt you in any way. When meeting strangers you need to be more aware and cautious. Especially if you met him from an online dating site and I'm guessing you did because I doubt that if he was a friend of a friend that he would do something like that. Use your brain next time ps don't leave your drink in attended either....

Are you really that stupid to leave your purse at the table?!?!? It's most definitely your fault for having a stolen purse no question about it. Even as a guy I know that girls shouldn't leave their purses, and should always take them with them. I don't have anything positive to say. That's just pure stupidity right there.

YDI for leaving your purse with a guy you don't know.

cherryblossomchi 4

what kind of idiot leaves her handbag with a complete stranger? oh...OP

the idiot who wrote the FML, she would.