By huj - 25/09/2010 21:49 - United States

Today, I was on an airplane, riding in first class for the first time in my life. The man next to me turned to me just before takeoff, stared at my chest, and said that he hoped there would be severe turbulence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 079
You deserved it 4 310

Same thing different taste


sukk iit up dumb biitch!! at least yo ass is atractive!! b glad! diz isnt an fml!

English please. I don't care if it's British, Canadian or American. You're writing makes my little bunny brain think too hard.

122, your comment, with its lack of spelling, capitalization, and general comprehensibility, is an FML.

jsmith16 0

ay 122 iz rite az a mutha f****r idk wat yall tlkin bout brah

Only fat people sit next to me on a plane.

I agree, what a creeper. A man should never be attracted to a woman's breasts. What a freak.

it's ok for chicks to be attracted to other chick's breasts though right? XD I mean that's not weird

What? lack of respect and self control? Are people really that thin skinned to be so offended over something like that? Oh my shit.

People need to learn to act appropriately and be respectful or never go out, and if someone does act that way it shouldn't be excused and the op shouldn't be told it's a "compliment". Most girls can't help if they have big breasts, they shouldn't have to deal with random strangers perving on them.

amayaa_fml 7

just because your in first class doesn't mean that should be unexpected